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NSM Service Building




Region Skåne


Malmö, Sweden

Project Type

2. Hospitals

The new service building shall supply Malmö Hospital with basic consumables and goods, from food to medicine, and is described as something of a "logistical masterpiece". With automatized deliveries, the staff can focus on what they do best—provide care for patients. The building itself will lend a hand when it comes to tasks such as collecting laundry. Deliveries are in fact carried out by robots that pull carts to the different departments, either single ones or several in a line. The service process has highly affected the design of the building, offering some extent of transparency. Stacked glass volumes proudly showcase the internal operations.

Our Contribution:

To support the Architects vision of transparency we provided façade solution, balancing between solar control glass, daylight acceptance and views to outdoors.


Solar control vs. Daylight vs. Views

According to the purpose of this building, it is important to quantify the relationship between solar control, daylight and views out and therefore find the right balance. This was achieved by assessing the frequency of shading use and the indicative daylight availability with the specific shading schedules for several glazing options. It was essential to ensure that increasing the light transmittance of the glazing unit (using clear glass) will not result in excessive shading use, blocking the views to the outdoors and in reality lowering the daylight levels in the zones.

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